Contact Whip City BMX
Whip City BMX
137 Russellville Road Westfield
Westfield MA, 1085
[email protected]
Track Operator
Al Pighetti
Whip City BMX is located at the Westfield Fairgrounds, in Western Massachusetts (West of Springfield). GPS address is 135 Russellville Road, Westfield, MA 01085.
From East & West (from Logan airport): Take the Massachusetts Turn Pike to Exit 41. After the exit ramp bear right onto Route 10 South. Take another quick right at the first set of lights onto Arch Road (on the right will be the Westfield Quality Inn). Go approximately 2 miles and take a left onto Cabot Road. Follow to the end and take a right onto Russellville Road. The Westfield Fairgrounds will be just ahead on the right.
From North & South (from Bradley Airport): Take I-91 to the Massachusetts Turn Pike (Exit 11 off of I-91) and follow above directions.