Contact Us
Westerville BMX Map

535 Park Meadow Road
Westerville OH 43081
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Track Operator:
Chad Buehrer
[email protected]

[email protected]

Track Image


Westerville BMX strives to maintain a safe, family friendly and inclusive envrionment where people of all ages and skill levels can enjoy the Olympic sport of BMX Racing. We aren’t just a program, we are a COMMUNITY!  We take treamendous pride in representing our Track, our Community, our Family, and Ourselves in a positive way wherever we go. Check out our CODE OF CONDCUT below. (you can also check out our CORE VALUES)



  • I will put the emotional and physical well-being of participants ahead of a personal desire to win.

  • I will respect riders, track officials/staff, spectators, and families at all times.

  • I will respect the decisions of track officials.

  • I will not engage in any violence or verbal threats or use any profanity or encourage my youth participant to intentionally make a malicious move towards another rider or riders.

  • I will not yell advice to my child, or any rider, while they are in the starting gate

  • I will model good sportsmanship for all participants.

  • I will not belittle or ridicule anyone involved in a Westerville or USA BMX event–in public, private, in-person, or online.

  • I will do my part to keep BMX Racing fun and positive for every participant.

  • I will never enter the track "field of play" during an event unless approved or instructed to do so by a track official/staff member.

  • I will ensure my youth rider understands and is prepared to follow all local program and USA BMX rules and code of conduct expectations.



  • I will show good sportsmanship to all riders, track staff, and parents at every event..

  • I will be kind and encourage other riders and praise good efforts.

  • I will be honest, fair, and respectful to other riders, staff, and spectators at all times.

  • I will race hard but fair and WILL NOT intentionally make a malicious move towards another rider or riders.

  • I will arrive to staging on time and be prepared to race when my moto is up.

  • I will make sure I understand all local program and USA BMX rules and code of conduct expectations.



  • ALL PERSONS attendending or participating in activities or events at Westerville BMX are subject to our CODE OF CONDUCT

  • If you are a member of, represent yourself as a member of, or represent yourself as an affiliate of Westerville BMX, we reserve the right to extend our CODE OF CONDUCT beyond attendance or participation at Westerville BMX. This may include, but is not limited to, other USA BMX Events, other USA BMX Sanctioned Tracks, and other Community events/activities in which Westervlle BMX is or was participating in or involved with directly or indirectly.

  • Observed or reported violations of our CODE OF CONDUCT will be taken very seriously and addressed in an urgent and appropriate manner.

  • Westerville BMX will make a REASONABLE ATTEMPT to gather the facts from parties involved as well as independent first-hand witensesses that may have been present during the potential violation under review before determininig and communicating a final outcome.

  • ALL DECISIONS are made at the SOLE DISCRETION of the TRACK OPERATOR (or acting Track Operator as delgated or assigned by the Board of Directors).

  • ALL OUTCOMES and ACTIONS are FINAL UPON COMMUNICATION to the involved party/parties.

  • ALL MATTERS will be handled internally. Westerville BMX's policy is to NOT discuss or communicate CODE OF CONDUCT reviews, violations or outcomes with any parties that are not directly involved in the violation or parties who may be identified as potential witnesses during our discovery .

  • EXCEPTIONS: Westerville BMX reserves the right to disclose any and all details pertaining to a CODE OF CONDUCT review or violation with individuals and/or parties as required to us by law, our status as a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization, through the terms and conditions of an existing Partnership Agreement (examples of Partnership agreement inclue but are not limited to USA BMX and the CIty of Westerville),  or due to any other scenario, terms or factors, not yet identified, that Westerville BMX determines is necessary.
